"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." - Jane Goodall

Where To Find Jobs


Linkedin Jobs – The essential corporate networking site has job listings, and you can see if you have a connection at the employer

Indeed – Consolidated job listings from multiple sites, with unlimited customized alerts

Idealist – Comprehensive list of jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities for social and environmental good


BC CCC Members List – Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship advertises job opportunities from their member companies.

BSR Jobs – Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) is the largest single employer of US-based CSR consultants. They often have internal openings.

BSR » CSR Jobs Page – BSR lists external CSR jobs on a separate page from their internal listings. This is the single best listing of CSR jobs. Several positions are compliance related.

Coro’s Careers – This page lists Canadian job postings that come to the attention of Coro Strandberg, a Canadian sustainability consultant and strategist.

Just Means – A newer player, combines social networking with well-populated jobs listings.

Net Impact – Net Impact, an association for business leaders. Great resources and job listings in their Career Center.

Social Investors Forum – The best site for Socially Responsible Investing jobs.

Food+Tech Connect – A listing of jobs in the food tech and innovation sector, many of which include sustainability.


Green Dream Jobs – Also known as SustainableBusiness.com, the preeminent site for sustainability jobs.

GreenBiz.com – This website is a good resource for information about environmental sustainability and business.

Allen & York – UK recruiters with environment and sustainability jobs worldwide.

Environment Jobs UK – Several nonprofit and public sector environmental posts in the UK.

StopDoDo – A portal for environmental and NGO related jobs. Very international. Several Africa jobs.

Eco Employ – Stronger on nonprofit environmental jobs that corporate. Downside, too many pop-ups on this site. (via Karen Seeh)

Environmental Career – These jobs are more for people with environmental degrees than MBAs. Sustainable Business – See Green Dreams above.


NonprofitJobSource.com – This site has a powerful job searching database for positions in the US and Canada.

Work for Good – Founded as Opportunity Knocks, Work for Good includes both a powerful search engine and a resume posting option for US-based opportunities.

Bridgestar – An initiative of the Bridgespan Group, this site provides nonprofit career-matching services.

ExecSearches.com – Lists nonprofit positions from the executive to mid-level.

Tides Foundation – Based in San Francisco, Tides Foundation is an incubator for social and environmental nonprofits. They list positions for Tides and Tides grantees.

Commongood Careers – Nonprofit search firm with a listing of US-based nonprofit opportunities.


Development Aid – Impressive site. Includes a section on tenders/RFPs with a strong search engine but does not include USAID.

OneWorld – Provides listing of job opportunities in a handful of developing countries and the UK.

DevNetJobs – A volunteer driven initiative to circulate job listings.

Global Recruitment – This company is headed by Patrick Shields, an international development recruiter.

Relief Web – Disaster and relief positions.

VSO – Non-Brits often overlook VSO which opens its door to people from many nations. VSO is similar to Peace Corps but the volunteers have more pertinent work experience.


Foundation Center – With resource offices in major cities around the US, the Foundation Center’s Philanthropy New Digest lists jobs focused in philanthropy and fundraising.

Chronicle of Philanthropy – The Chronicle of Philanthropy lists job opportunities largely in the nonprofit and grant making arena.

Council on Foundations – This is a fee-based service of foundation focused jobs.

MMB & Associates – Martha Montag Brown recruits for philanthropy positions. Her website includes her current searches.


Opportunities in Public Affairs – Most of these positions are in Washington DC.

EuroBrussels – EU related policy jobs.